Member Event: Flip YOUR Switch 2 Day Experiential Weekend
Stuck? Overwhelmed? Frustrated?
* Turn problems into stepping-stones
* Navigate challenges with greater ease
* Get back on track and in-flow
* Fall in love with who you see in YOUR mirror
Join us and clear out old programs and patterns and
begin to create what you deserve and desire!
* Gain a basic re-patterning skill set
* Receive tools to make the rest of your life the best of your life!
* Learn the steps to apply the Belief Re-patterning technique to your unique situation
* Experience deep, meaningful and permanent transformation supporting you in BEcoming the best you can BE
* Connect with our community that is committed to creating a kinder and more positive world
Based on my Best-Selling book: Belief Re-patterning: The Amazing Technique for “Flipping the Switch” to Positive Thoughts (Hay House)Member Event: Flip YOUR Switch 2 Day ...Date and Time
Saturday Jun 1, 2024 Sunday Jun 2, 2024
Saturday June 1, 9am to 5:30pm
Sunday June 2, 9am to 5:30pmLocation
Best Western Airdrie
121 Edmonton Trail SEFees/Admission
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